Friday, April 30, 2010

Life Preservers Blog Hop

Scrapbooking is a wonderful creative outlet in our lives and our unique style makes our creations different. Everyone has their own reasons for scrapbooking, for me my hands love to play and create colourful embellies and my mind likes to think of new ideas and my heart likes to record all those sentimental moments that should be there for my children to cherish.
For National Scrapbooking Day the design team at Life Preservers Scrapbook Club wanted to bring a little extra excitement to May 1st. The 8 person team has partnered up to create 4 challenges, each challenge has a part a and b. So take the journey to see why spring has so many different reasons to celebrate National Scrapbook Day.

To be entered into a random RAK from me leave a comment and link me up with your layout (for LP girls, you can link from our gallery) To be entered in a draw from Life Preservers leave a comment on every blog (including LPS) and link up your creations.

Gabrielle and I have teamed up to provide you with your second challenge. Create a layout using no pattern papers, you will use ribbon instead, please use at least 5 different kinds. Now hop on over Gabrielle's blog to find out the second part of our challenge. For my example I used several types of ribbon and glued them down to a piece of paper and then cut it evenly into a rectangle, there is a photo to show this as well. Please feel free to use this idea, or any other part of my layout to complete this challenge.

Thanks so much for participating in Life Preservers first annual NSD blog hop, now carry on and have fun!


  1. What a fun layout!! love the bright colors! Awesome stitched boarder, it really pops!!!

  2. This is vivid and beautiful! Laura-Lee, thanks for being an awesome teammate!

  3. Gorgeous LL!!! I love that ribbon idea!!!

  4. This is a great challenge. A great way to use that ribbon. Your page is so colorful. I adore it! Thanks LL!

  5. The colors of this layout w/ the b & w photo are simply stunning and vibrant! I love the flower border on the bottom. I think ribbon is one of my all time favorite additons to a lo.

  6. WOW what awesome colors on here, it just pops!!! The ribbons on here are just amazing! Way to rock it gf!!!

  7. Should I link back to this blog?

  8. wow...just love your layout with all the bright and fun colors. I am loving this challenge also.

  9. Laura-Lee,
    Happy National Scrapbook Day! What a beautiful Layout! I am blog hopping by. Kimber

  10. Thanks for the extra motivation to use some ribbon!

    Fun challenge!

  11. I love the bright colours!

    Here is my take:

  12. Here is my layout! I posted it on Gabrielle's blog, also[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
