Friday, September 14, 2012


busy schedules in the summer time so I don't seem to get as much accomplished...
things are some what back to normal, school has started and vacation time is over (until March rolls around ;) )
The fall is like January to starts for everyone here in our house, it's kind of refreshing.
It was a fun summer, very fast too, too fast....
spent lots of time at the trailer...
here is a pic of Olivia enjoying the bonfire one night...

here is a pic at Bingemans...notice the hair cut?   It's darling!!
I love it...I'm glad she talked me into it...LOL

here are all of them!
goofing around in the baby pool :)

 again, at Bingemans...the boys are getting older...they like big boy stuff now....

not sure I'm ready for this....

Josh wants me to fix up his "man cave"  he wants a tv mounted on the brick fireplace in "the cave"
so now I have the chore of trying to get rid of the old (and very large) tv so that "the cave" has a flat screen....
I still need to put quarter round or something on his Lego table too...all the Lego keeps falling off...
so much to do...
we won't get started on the other things that need to be done around here....

I have been wanting to get my nose pierced for quite some time...just a small diamond....I don't know what possessed me to ask Josh if it was ok, but I my surprise he said "NO WAY"  I think he was down right annoyed with me...LOL...."oh teenager mother" ..LOL
I kind of expected conversations to be the other way
So he finally agreed that it was ok as long as I take it out when I am in public with him
so that he is not embarrassed....smirk....LOL
Good grief...tough crowd!
But at least I finally got his blessing...

Bought a new van :) stunning piece of machinery it is...
Toyota Sienna....unbelievable ride...and so much space...
perfect for bringing extra kids to the trailer...
we love it :)

Off to bed....

1 comment:

  1. Just hopped on over here after hitting up Laura Whitaker's blog ... loved reading your last entry :) HAPPY CARD MAKING DAY!
