Thursday, June 4, 2009

A corner of Olivia's room

This is one of the corners in Olivia's room, she has these large Gerber daisy's resting on her chair that are so beautiful but will be for her big girl room.....she has a canopy bed waiting for her and in each bed post a daisy will be wrapped in tooling....sounds so pretty.

The large leaf is from Ikea, and I thought I better stick it up on the wall before the kids completely destroyed it. Her room is small but looks fresh with the new "makeover" I gave it a few weeks ago. One of those darn mums keeps falling off the wall, I should get some better sticky tack for those things.

For some reason this room seems to stay the neatest and tidiest.......very odd considering Olivia's nick name is "search and destroy"


Maggi said...

What a beautiful room! I love those colors together and those flowers at the top are perfect!

Andrea said...

How cute is her room? I love how bright it is & that leaf just tops it off!!
Oh & I love the nickname too..I should use it for my daughter as well!

Wanita said...

I want Olivia's room! Great job on the decorating :)